Welcome to Better Impact
CEP's Volunteer Portal
As a volunteer with Community Education Partnerships, you are required to use Better Impact (button below) to log each hour that you work with your student. Logging your service hours enables us to keep track of the tutoring hours that each student receives and alerts us to any gaps in service that may need to be addressed.
Better Impact Instructions
How to Access Your Better Impact Account
There are two easy ways to log your hours in Better Impact.
Log your hours in real time from the Better Impact App
Log your hours after your volunteer activity from your Better Impact Account:
- Log into Better Impact. Your Username is: Insert Username. If you’ve forgotten your password, please select the “Forgot your username or password” link next to the login button.
- Follow the instructions to reset your password
There are two easy ways to log your hours in Better Impact.
Log your hours in real time from the Better Impact App
- Download the Better Impact App: here
- Sign into the Better Impact App
- Select the "Start Clock" button
- Select your volunteer activity from the list
- Select the "Start Clock" button
- Once you've completed your volunteering, select the "Stop Clock" button and complete the short feedback form
Log your hours after your volunteer activity from your Better Impact Account:
- Once signed into your Better Impact account, select the "Hours" tab
- Select the drop down under "Activities"
- Select the volunteer activity you are submitting hours for
- Update the date and total time you volunteered
- Answer the feedback questions
- Select the save button at the bottom of the feedback form